Applications for the academic year 2024/25 are now open.
Campus: Rome
School: Medicine and Surgery
Intake: September 2024
Language of instruction: English
Duration: 6 years
Degree awarded: Laurea in Medicine and Surgery
Total ECTS: 360
Università Cattolica’s MD Medicine and Surgery provides the scientific basis and the theoretical and practical training essential for the exercise of the medical profession internationally.
Students develop all the technical competencies required to operate independently and responsibly in the medical sector. The overall objectives are pursued using a teaching approach designed to examine health issues in depth in a holistic manner, taking account of the influence of the surrounding chemical – physical, biological and social environment.
The degree features a complete integration of basic and clinical sciences, achieved through a multidisciplinary approach and an early involvement in patient management, including both ethical issues and legal responsibilities, which are at the basis of the profession. In addition, medical anthropology, bioethics and medical humanities will be emphasized, as well as the ability to communicate with the patient and the family.
In order to achieve formative goals, the MD Medicine and Surgery offers a total number of 360 University Formative Credits, Crediti Formativi Universitari (CFU) or ECTS = European Credit Transfer System, spread over a 6-year course.
60 credits consist of activities aimed at acquiring specific professional skills.
The following procedure is applicable to candidates holding or who are about to obtain a non-Italian high school qualification; it is NOT applicable to candidates registered in:
- Italian High Schools located both in Italy and abroad
- European Schools and the Accredited European Schools
- German high schools located in Italy who sit for the Italian Esame di stato in addition to the Abitur
who must follow the admission procedures for domestic students.
The Programme has a maximum capacity of 100 seats divided as follows:
- 30 seats reserved to Italian and EU citizens residing anywhere and non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy with permesso di soggiorno / permit of stay
- 70 seats reserved to non-EU citizens residing abroad
For more information about the deadline, required documents, application procedure and scholarships, schedule an appointment with our local representative EAC Skopje.
Our services are free of charge.