

Digital MSc Programs in Marketing and Strategic Management at Luiss University

Luiss – Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli – is an independent university. It was created out of a pre-existing Roman institution, Pro Deo, between 1974 and 1978.

Luiss offers an innovative educational approach in its four Departments: Economics and Finance, Business and Management, Law, and Political Science. Its goal is not simply to convey knowledge but to instill flexibility in young people, giving them a sense of mastery over their future.

Furthermore, Luiss has four Schools for graduate and professional studies: the Luiss Business School, the School of Government, the School of Law, and the School of European Political Economy.


Program Insight

The digital program in Strategic Management equips students with a comprehensive set of abilities necessary to comprehend and manage an increasingly complex corporate and market environment. Students will get an understanding of fundamental and advanced management principles and the skills necessary to use them in order to make a positive contribution to the growth of organizations, industries and regional economies, as well as to the broader development of the society.

The curriculum integrates rigorous and cutting-edge instructional methods with a flexible and tailored learning path.


Program Insight

The digital Program in Marketing provides students with a full suite of skills required to understand and manage increasingly complex markets. Students will learn basic and advanced marketing concepts and develop the abilities required to make a positive impact on society.

The program combines rigorous and cutting-edge learning methodologies with a flexible and personalized learning path. 


Deadline for application: July 31, 2023

Please contact our local representative EAC Skopje regarding the application process, our services are free of charge.

If you are interested to apply for a scholarship please fill in the form below and you will be contacted regarding any additional information.

July 4, 2023
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